Let's Bring Your Passion to Life

Had an idea, book, course, creation, ceremony or any other offering been on your mind for ages?

Energetically, ideas come to us through our inspiration and are born in the Sacral Chakra.

Everyone has ideas. But not every idea comes to fruition. Why?

Well, without the activation energy and drive from our Solar Plexus and the outward expression of the idea moving out of our body and into the world around us, it will just stay an idea.

There are often also belief patterns such as Imposter Syndrome, deep rooted insecurities, and feelings of unworthiness that stand in the way of this energy flowing.

We are here to hone in on those beliefs that are in your way of ushering in success, so that we can move past them and into your true desires.

Are you ready to diversify your income, take your power back, deeply create, and be proud of yourself in a new and scary way?!

I'm here and ready to support you. You absolutely deserve it.

What this Offer Includes:

✓ One 30 minute Discovery Call to get clear on what it is you desire, and what is standing in your way

✓ 4 Weekly 50 minute Zoom calls to blast through mental barriers, create a tangible plan with action steps, mastermind your creation and more-- based solely on your needs

✓ Personalized meditations to help you find your intuition and flow

✓ Direct Copywriting and Copyediting support, whether that be for a website, IG, twitter, or the offerings themselves

✓ Prompt support via text throughout each week outside of the calls

Hi! I'm Eden.

Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher, Health Coach, Gemini, Projector.

B.S. Environmental Science and Chemistry, Masters Cert in Geographic Information Science.

Dancing in the art of Science and Surrender has become my happy place-- learning actually how energetics work, and also learning how to surrender to my own personal magic so that I could authentically show up and create from a place that feels good to me.

And on this journey, one of the things that I realized is a passion of mine is bringing others ideas into the world too.

As we take the first baby steps into a business, finding an affordable mentor who has been through the trenches is integral to stay mindful of your time and effort. So I'm here to support the beautiful beginnings. Creating a foundation to allow you to flourish beyond me.

That is why this coaching process is not only extremely affordable in comparison to so many other offerings out there, but also tailored to you. This is both personal and deeply important.

Let's begin :)


Ready to begin? Before we schedule our first session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide our time together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

I am open to discussing it, however it is important to note that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. If none of your goals were met even after we put together a tangible plan to reach them, then it is likely because the work wasn't done. Please ensure that before you commit to this process, you are ready to push past your own inner barriers and stories to get there. I'm here to help in these ways too. Get ready for the discomfort that is growth!

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions via email and on the processing screen on Teachable ushering you to our scheduling tool. You will just book the first call, and then we will put together a schedule after that based around your own unique timeline.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! Often coaching is full of momentum-- after 4 weeks achieving your own specific goals to bring this idea into life, you can see the next round of support that may have felt too far off initially. As we progress, next steps begin to unveil themselves. Focusing on the 1 yard gains instead of the hail mary touchdown is how we will actually get to the endzone! (Never thought I'd make a sports analogy but here we are!) This all to say, I'm available and here to support you, every step of the way.