The 5 Elements of Reiki

Gokkai: The 5 Spiritual Precepts

Kokyu Ho: Breathing Techniques

Tenohira: Hands-on or Palm Healing

Jumon and Shirushi: Symbols and Mantras

Reiju: Attunements

This course will touch on all of these elements of a Reiki practice. though here we will learn the Gokkai. This is a prayer that was first established by Master Usui. It is often used before sessions, during meditation, or for grounding throughout your day. There are many different translations of the prayer, though my favorite is the one you will find below.

Traditionally it is repeated during meditation to usher in the Reiki energy, while the hands are in the Gassho hand position.

Gassho hand position: palms together at the heart, thumbs in contact with each other and the sternum. The rest of the fingers are lightly touching one another.

Gokkai Prayer

For today only:

Do not anger

Do not worry

Be humble

Be honest in your work

Be compassionate to yourself and others

Specifically, Level I Reiki Certification is called Shoden and empowers you to use this Gassho + Gokkai meditation, to give Reiki to oneself and family members, and to do Byosen scanning, mentioned later.

Level II Reiki Certification, or Okuden, is where you are introduced to the 3 Reiki symbols, can begin giving sessions to others and generally become more competent with all methods of giving Reiki.

On the next page, you will find a guided meditation on the Gokkai prayer.

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