What Is "Reiki"?

Let's get down to some basics before we fully dive on in:

  • Reiki = Universal Life Force Energy
  • “rei” = Universal, boundless essence in Japanese
  • “ki” = Energy in Japanese
  • This "ki" is the same thing as chi/qi from Chinese medicine, prana from Yoga, Light from Christianity, spiritus vitalis from Latin origins, mana from Polynesians, and ka from the Egyptians.

Life energy is more subtle than the energy, say, coming from gasoline. It cannot be measured (at least from where science is now), only intuited.

This is the same charged energy that you feel when a certain person walks into the room and the entire mood shifts.

This is the same energy that seemingly comes out of nowhere when you get a text full of praise from your boss and all of a sudden find that you're happier, more energized, lighter and aligned.

This is the same energy you can experience through breathwork practices such as Kundalini yoga or the Wim Hof Method.

Reiki has many different influences. Notably:

  • Japanese Roots
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Ayurveda
  • Japanese Buddhism
  • Taoism
  • Samurai

Benefits from practicing Reiki, whether on yourself or others, is truly boundless. Though some of the most common benefits are:

  • Self-discovery
  • Lower stress and anxiety
  • Restored energy
  • Inner peace
  • Trauma release
  • Spiritual development
  • Personal growth
  • Confidence
  • Connectedness
  • Increased relaxation
  • Clear mind

Reiki has been used in many settings, and may even be offered at your local hospital already! It helps to heal the physical, mental, and emotional bodies through relaxing the nervous system and allowing for the body to truly release. Generally it restores the physical & emotional wellbeing in a non-intrusive and relaxing manner.

It is important to note that Reiki never takes the place of medical treatment.

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