Why We Are Here

Welcome in.

You may have noticed, the world is shifting.

Whether that be through the local food prerogatives, politics, COVID shifts, the #metoo movement, the pursuit of renewable energy, vulnerability & empathy now being embraced as strengths, the patriarchal family structure being rewritten and so much more, the world is ushering in a new age.

Astrologically, the new age has a name.

We are entering into the Age of Aquarius. Yes, this is more than just a song by The 5th Dimension!

Specifically, every 2,150 years the astrological age changes as the North Star shifts. This is important because, unlike your specific star sign, this denotes change for the entire planet, at the same time. The astrological climate for every being on Earth is shifting.

Previously we were in the Age of Pisces, which is a much more masculine sign. Re: patriarchy, wars, industrialism, imperialism, bury-your-head suck-it-up mentalities being touted, one-size-fits-all solutions. As we shift into the Aquarian age, there is no specific start or end date because this is such a long transition phase.

The world is now starting to shift into a way of being that gives power to the subtle, values the gentle, and gives weight to the emotional.

But when has a change in power ever come smoothly? Without war? Without death and rebirth? 

Change is difficult, but it is truly the only constant. The transition into the Age of Aquarius is bound to be painful, as we’ve seen within the last few years. Though a more “female” energy, the shift is HARD. But showing up now and stepping into your dharma is how you do your part, as world finds its new way.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for being you.

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