Course Introduction


I'm so glad you're here, in this space, at this moment. You've been led here, and we can trust that you're meant to be here as we move forward together through your Reiki Level 1 and 2 Certification.

Before we dive in, let's get some logistics out of the way. First off, homework and quizzes are mandatory for graduation. You have unlimited quiz attempts and I honor your word for all homework assignments.

You don't need to purchase anything more in order to take this course, though there are a few resources that can enhance your learning experience and will be referenced throughout:

-A fresh notebook. Who doesn't love that feeling?!

-The Reiki Level 1 & 2 Manual by William Lee Rand ISBN 1886785031

-The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. I usually pair this book with my live course, so I do also recommend it here. It is a wealth of knowledge that helped me put words to my intuition and healing.

-My recommended Cacao source for the Cacao ceremony: Ceremony Grade Legacy Cacao

Second, I am here to give you all of the tools you will need to succeed as a Reiki practitioner. However, the most important part of channeling your Reiki energy is TRUST and WORK. Begin to first experience and then trust the visions, sensations, feelings, inklings you have when working with the energy. This is the knowing that you've had since birth that society and culture often squashes by the age of 5. Slowing down, observing and listening to your body and mind, and being fully present are the keys to this work. And again, I'll give you all of the tangible tools and knowledge, but because everyone's intuition shines through in different ways it is up to you to put in the time, work, patience, curiosity and trust to begin to uncover the means of your own personal knowing. This is a deeply personal journey, but I'll still be with you every step of the way.

That being said, I know you are all coming to this course with a wealth of unique knowledge! If you know more about a subject I introduce, please feel free to share your knowledge in the comments section! I am here to be a student of you all as well.

If you ever have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear from you! You can send me an email at [email protected]

Loving you from afar,

Eden of Roaring Fork Reiki

Now let's begin!

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